About Logo  


Cast a dream during childhood into shape
 This is a company logo with the image of building blocks as once we have played during childhood. The round shape of brown and red indicates electron and hole respectively, triangle indicates stimulation of electromagnetic field, electrical voltage, electrical current, and light from outside, and quadrangle indicates signal of light, electrical voltage, and electrical current. This logo describes the smallest unit of technology that our company handles and we offer various electronic technologies and application products by combining the unit. We never forget the joy of manufacturing like we used to be playing with building blocks during childhood while imaging future dreams.

 子供のころ遊んだ積み木をイメージした会社のロゴです。茶色の丸は電子、赤色の丸は正孔を示し、三角形(青色)は外部からの電磁界や電圧・電流、光ら刺激であり、四角(緑色)は出力される、光りや電圧・電流の信号を示します。このロゴは こなか電子が扱う技術の最小単位を現したもので、これを組み合わせた様々な電子技術や応用製品を提供して行きます。想像に夢を膨らませて積み木で遊んだ子供の頃のように、作る喜びを こなか電子工房は忘れません。



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